Blissed Out Schedule and Classes

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  • The Blissed Out Movement Mat Pilates classes, are a complete workout that tones and strengthens the whole body. Practiced on a mat with support from various props, the resistance of the exercises mostly comes from your body weight.

    We aim to vary our exercises and sequences regularly to deliver new challenges every week. We also plan our classes to include modifications to adjust the difficulty of the class for each body type and experience level. Mat Pilates can be a wonderful compliment to your yoga practice, or a refreshing way to do Pilates off the reformer.

  • The Blissed Out Movement Reformer Pilates, is a style of Pilates performed on a machine to give complete control and stability throughout the practice. Our studio is fitted with Balanced Body Allegro 2 reformers. Modifications can be used to increase workout intensity, or cater to individual needs, such as injuries.

    Using the reformer, you can move your body through its full range of motion with support and stability – something you may not be able to safely do on your own. Each reformer is equipped with numerous weighted springs which allows you to increase or decrease the intensity of the exercises and ensure you’re always working at your level.

    As we never have more than 7 students per Pilates class, you are guaranteed to have a more personalised experience and each class can easily be catered to suit your individual needs.

  • The Blissed Out Movement draws inspiration from many different styles and teachers of yoga to create a holistic, balanced and nurturing approach to the practice. At The Blissed Out Movement, we endeavour to create yoga classes that are accessible and enjoyable for all levels. Whether you are new to the mat, or a veteran yogi, you will be welcomed into our studio.

    Our yoga classes have a maximum of 13 students so you receive plenty of individual attention. This guidance helps anyone rehabilitating injuries practice safely and help you achieve new heights in your practice.

    The Blissed Out Movements yoga classes are perfect for beginners. There’s no need to be intimidated if you don’t know what a ‘trikonasana’ is, you’ve never used a bolster, or your toes feel like they are a mile away. Our classes ease you into the world of yoga in a fun and accessible way. Our classes are steadily paced and a gentle balance between challenging and relaxing.

    We are currently offering two styles of yoga in our studio: Slow Flow Yoga and Power Yoga.

    A slow paced class with an emphasis on stretching and unwinding. Taken at a gentler pace, your instructor will guide you through a flow that leaves you feeling lighter, leaner and completely relaxed. This class is welcome to all and offers something for every level of yoga practitioner.

    An active flowing class that aims to get you moving and build some heat. Your instructor will offer layers throughout the class so you can choose your level of challenge and move at your own pace. This class will leave you feeling energised and refreshed. This class is welcome to all and is beginner friendly. 

  • The Blissed Out Movement Barre is a fusion of Ballet, Pilates and Yoga that strengthens and lengthens the entire body. Our barre classes aim to leave you feeling strong, stretched out and empowered. Whilst there is a Ballet influence, you don’t need to have ever Plied or danced before! We break down the moves to make it a fun and an un-intimidating experience.

    At The Blissed Out Movement our barre classes are open to total beginners as well as experienced practitioners. Our small classes ensure that your instructor can adjust any exercise for your needs. You are welcome to ask questions and go at your own pace throughout the whole session. Every exercise is optional and modifiable, you are encouraged to always do what feels good!

    Our classes include a variety props so every class you go to will be different and present new challenges. In addition to the use of the ballet barre, we incorporate dumbbells, Pilates balls, therabands and ankle weights to maximise the benefits of your session! We also incorporate music into our Barre classes to add an extra element of fun. Barre is an excellent addition to a yoga or Pilates practice, or is powerful as a stand alone workout.